BURNABY WINTER CLUB A4 Grey Cup fundraiser.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Instructions to Parents

The Parents for each player on the team are responsible for selling at least 12 squares to co-workers, friends, family at $10 each.  

If your place of employment has many employees, then sell more than 12 squares.  You may make up for someone else who is not that fortunate.  As a team we must sell 200 squares. Please let me know where you are at with your sales on a regular basis.  We do not want to go over 200 unless we can reach 300.  

I will send out a form for you to collect names of people you have sold to.  The returned form will be cut up so that each name is separate for drawing of square positions.  

If a person buys multiple squares they must record their name on your sheet multiple times.  ex. 3 squares = name written in 3 times.

Once all of the names are collected from the various sellers, the names will be drawn and put onto the grid.  First name drawn gets square #1, etc.  

The scores will then be added by random and the actual grids will be posted HERE!

Be sure to tell the people to check this website to see what scores they get.

If you have no idea what this is, there is a sample below.

Sample of Filled in Grid (from Superbowl)

So I found this sample on the web.  It shows how the completed grid looks with the peoples names and scores added.

After receiving all of the names of people who have purchased squares, a draw will be done for square position.  With 100 names in a hat, the first name drawn will be placed in square #1, etc.

Once all of the names are in place, the scores will be determined randomly as well.  

Completed grids will be posted here for all who bought squares to see before the game begins.

So everyone has a square that has a number at the top of the column and a number at the left of the row.

In this sample, lets look at square 100 in the bottom right.  It is owned by Char.  Her score on the top for the Giants is "2" and her score for the Patriots is "3".

We pay out at the end of each quarter of the game.  So, if at the end of the first quarter the score is Giants 12 and the Patriots 3, then she wins.   The last number of the score is what it is used.  In her case the "2" in 12 is for the Giants, and she has the matching "3" for the Patriots.  

This is a completely random pool.  IT TAKES NO SKILL or even knowledge of football.  You can sell these squares to anyone. 

There will be four winners for the pool.  One at the end of each quarter of the game.

Grey Cup Pool Sample (blank)

The filled in pool sheet with peoples names in the boxes and scores randomly chosen for each team will be posted here for you to download.
